Dysgenesis of the inferior vena cava associated with deep venous thrombosis and a partial Protein C deficiency.
Dysgenesis of the inferior vena cava is rare but is being increasingly diagnosed with cross-sectional imaging techniques. Patients are usually asymptomatic with abnormality detected incidentally. A 11 year old boy presented with a 10-day history of fever, vomiting and abdominal pain, which continues to the back and lower limbs.
Magnetic resonance imaging, computerized Chicken Recombinant Proteins tomography and Doppler ultrasonography showed a suprarenal inferior vena cava with bilateral superficial femoral vein thrombus extending cranially to the end of the inferior vena cava deviate. Hematological examination revealed a partial protein C deficiency. Clinical features present in this case is unique in English literature and highlights that vein thrombosis in the inferior vena cava associated with dysgenesis may not present with typical symptoms in children. early use of advanced imaging modalities will speed up the diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
global proteomics analysis Chelidonium majus and Corydalis cava (Papaveraceae) extracts revealed the same composition of defense-related proteins.
Chelidonium majus and Corydalis cava were phylogenetically closely related (family Papaveraceae). Drug and pharmaceutical interest in this plant is based on their synthesis of important pharmaceutical compounds, such as alkaloids, flavonoids, phenolic acids and proteins. C. C. cava Magi shoot and tuber extract has been used in traditional folk medicine to treat various diseases, such as fungal, bacterial and viral infections, liver disorders, fever, post-traumatic, colic, abdominal pain and menstrual and even cancer.
This study attempts to analyze the global comparative proteomics important pharmacological extracts of two unsequenced plant species is closely related to gain an insight into the basic protein from plant organs and to compare with them, and the composition of certain proteomics. We use a shotgun proteomic approach combined with label-free protein quantitation according to indexes exponentially modified protein abundance (Four more). E.coli Recombinant Proteins
In total, the average number of 228 protein identification results are recorded in C. cava root extract and about 1,240 in C. majus extract shoot. comparative analysis reveals the same stress and composition of proteins related to the defense of the pharmacologically active species of plants and shows their low molecular pathogenesis-related and distinct inducible antimicrobial peptides. These findings could form the basis for further explanation of the mechanisms of the pharmacological activity of this powerful medicinal plant extracts.
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